The week ahead.

My weekend was lovely and relaxing, with a little bit of sewing, a little bit of painting, some cooking, some eating, some singing, and some board game playing. Now I'm diving into a verybusyweek head first. 

Sometimes it's not the number of things that I have to do in a week, but the diversity of things that messes with my head. From caring for a toddler, to homeschooling, to preparing for guiding meditation, to preparing for our upcoming trip (car insurance and registration, plane tickets) to writing, to painting, to spending time with friends, to cooking for a community dinner. I am constantly switching gears (I know many of us are, if we work out of our homes and in a number of creative areas). It makes my brain hurt, but I love it, and I chose it, so I will learn to live it well.

My reminders to myself are to pray and journal a bit every day, something that is only for God and for my own eyes, to play whenever possible, to remember joy, to take a deep breath when I need to. I think it's going to be a good week.

What do you have planned?