Saturday Morn

Well, I have unknowingly had the best lurkers ever! I was expecting more comments along the lines of Hey, Wassup? but received so many kindnesses that my day was transformed. I've always felt so blessed by the people who choose to comment, there is always a lot of support, and I have yet to receive any kind of mean email or comment. But I didn't know about all the silent readers, sitting at their computers, thinking good thoughts.

I am so glad that you like this blog, so glad that you receive any inspiration from it. And I loved hearing an old story about a ten-years-ago me, from my old friend Josy. (Sigh- sixteen-year-old relatively-carefree me, you seem so far away, and yet I remember Madeleine L'Engle's writings about how we are all of our ages, so somewhere that girl is in me.)

Anyways, thank you for de-lurking. Anyone else who wants to is still welcome. I love it.

And now, a confession:

Sometimes I eat chips and salsa for breakfast. In fact, I think I'm going to do so right now.