I promise I only had a bite or two of some things

I have to admit that I was a little worried about my YaYa girl. She is- how should I say it? demonstrative? particular? insanely aware?- about and over and around her desires and non-desires.

For example, when I woke her up early in the morning the other day, so that we could, you know, get to the airport, she shrieked, "I NEED SO MUCH SLEEP!" and then scrambled back into her bed again and again while I repeatedly dragged her tiny behind out. She also charmingly stiffened her legs while I tried to get her dressed. I was stoked!

She's right, though. She needs a lot of sleep. If she has a lot of sleep, the sweet, wonderful, amiable girl that we love radiates like a small star. If she doesn't, well, I'm sometimes afraid. It's one of the reasons I'm glad to be homeschooling. If I had to shovel this child onto a bus at 7:30, like my mother did when I was in school, well...
But anyways, after a day of flying with a small sprite who seemed to be slightly offended that we were traveling without consulting her, (I should mention that all the kids were really good, even if YaYa was slightly offended) I was a little concerned about her reaction to so much family. We haven't been out here since she was a little over a year old.

But I didn't need to worry. She is wonderful and she is herself, and she is having the time of her life with her Aunties and her cousin (the one who looks like Kid A, she says) and the little dog who lives here whose name is Harry and who sports a "King of Karaoke" shirt. ("He's the King of Karaoke?" Chinua's brother asked. "He really is good," I said.)

They all are taking to Detroit like ducks to water.

And this, in no particular order, is a list of what I ate yesterday:

  • Banana pudding (Amazing with a capital A)

  • Dressing

  • Fried corn

  • Greens

  • More greens made by someone else

  • Curried chicken

  • Turkey

  • Gravy of course

  • Green beans the likes of which I have never tasted

  • Macaroni and cheese the likes of which I have never before tasted in my life

  • Yams

  • Potato Salad

  • Sweet Potato Pie

  • Pumpkin Cheesecake

  • Peach Apple Cobbler

Leafy had three pieces of Sweet Potato Pie, just so you know.