Look who's coming to your knitting group

Cozy, originally uploaded by journeymama.


The girls and I here at the Land started our little knitting circle. I learned to knit again, for the third time, and I think that finally, now that I have three children, enough patience has been pounded into me that I just might stick. Hmmm, maybe I should try to pick up the guitar again, also. Or maybe I should work on one thing at a time.

We had a lot of fun in our knitting circle, sitting there with a fire going and stabbing yarn with needles, and then at one point my Superstar Husband came over (we were in Renee's cabin) and fit in so perfectly with us that I fell in love with him all over again. I love a man who can hang out with a roomful of knitting women. I also love a man who sings, "I am a poster girl with no poster..." un-selfconsciously.

What a man.