Cake and the state of my sinuses

The cake recipe is here. As you can see, I'm digging Epicurious right now. Mostly because I can save my recipes in a little recipe box and refrain from going through my history archives to figure out where on earth I found that one amazing recipe I found that one time that I will never find again.

As dirty and toddler friendly as that cake was on the outside, it was gourmet to the core. We loved it.

I'm sick. My sinuses are leaving me, just getting up and going, but not before they kick me in the teeth.  My whole body aches. And my throat is home to a porcupine. It's fun, as I'm sure you can imagine. I think I'm cycling through this pretty quickly, though. It's crazy how fast it hit me. Last night I had dinner with a friend while we talked over some business, and I was totally fine, until I sneezed a couple of times right before I left to go home. By the time I got home, death had taken up residence in my body.

The truth is, I am completely myself while I'm sick. I barely mention it, and I just have to continue as normally as I can. I rarely stay in bed. I content myself with hyperbole on my website, instead. Very likely I'll be turning pregnant cartwheels again in the morning.

I just wanted to mention, (besides giving you the cake recipe which you should probably use to bake the very same cake tonight) that the posting that I'm going to be doing on Burkina Faso is being put on hold a bit. Due to unforeseeable events, things are changing direction a bit. But I'll let you know, as soon as we launch. I'm pretty excited about the new direction we're heading. And I can't wait to tell you more stories.