Do Some Good Now, Yo!

Remember when I said my Burkina Faso posting was going to be put off a bit? Just kidding! My first post is up today, at I'll be posting a few times a week- today's entry is a pre-trip post, written on the airplane.

"In buying a home, we carve a place for ourselves, but not only for us, but our friends across the world, the ones who can so greatly benefit from our resources, the ones who don’t have the water we do, the trees we do. We want to help to make a better way of life for the people in the Sahel."

Together with the blog, we have launched a brand new site, the results of the hard work of many people, a site that focuses on putting the power of changing lives into the hands of, well, y'all. It's pretty basic- hit the Do Some Good Now site, hit it like crazy, spread the word, spread it like wildfire, and you will be giving men in Burkina Faso the power to form a livelihood that will influence their economy and their lives for the better. Go check it out.

While you're there, you can see the hard work of my Superstar Husband in the video on the site. It was a true collaboration, as I took a lot of the footage and photos on the video, and Chinua spent hours making a beautiful video out of them.

And not only that! I've uploaded many of my photos to the LJUrban Flickr site, and there are many more to come. So make us a contact and keep checking it out.

I can't really describe how blogging has affected me over the last couple of years. You start just keeping a record of your days, of your stories, and soon you find that you have a community of people to reminisce with you, and you read their stories, too, and then over time, because you are noticing, you find that you are seeing more and more gems in your life. And then you are blogging miracles, like the one I was able to share yesterday.

Then, one day, maybe you have a chance to blog about making the world better. And you travel and see poverty like you've never seen it before, and what you know, all you know, is that you want to help. And your writing might be able to help.

That's what my blogging at LJUrban and the creation of the Do Some Good Now site means to me. A chance to help. I hope you will read and watch and hit the site, and tell others.