Bullet Points

  • Going through my thoughts on the last year was really helpful for me, and I have a lot of hope for the New Year.
  • My house has been a whirlwind in between Christmas and New Year's and now we are smack in the middle of a lovely retreat. We are hosting it and all these beautiful people are on our rooftop each day.
  • The Turbans are back together. On New Year's Eve I had the delight of being able to be out at their New Year's concert. I may have slipped behind the stage for a kiss when the clock struck midnight. (Actually, we didn't have a clock. It was when the fireworks coming from the beach let us know that other people's clocks had struck midnight.)
  • You'll never guess who is cooking lunch for the retreat this week! She came for a visit on Saturday and isn't working right now, so quick as a whip I asked if she could cook for us. It's Jaya! I love having her in the house, feels like old times. (Old, weird, monsoony times. Okay, life is a bit brighter now, all the better to have her here.)
  • Time for laundry and clean up before everyone gets here!
  • Oh, one more, I do hope to finish those last few writing prompts- you know, after the retreat.