I don't even know what to call this post, I shall name it BOOK LAUNCH! *Updated

Sorry for shouting.

I am proud to be able to announce that my book, The Eve Tree, is available at the following online stores.

You can buy it in print at Amazon.com: here.

As a NookBook on Barnes and Noble: here.

As various kinds of e-book formats on Smashwords: here.

Be sure to take advantage of the $4.99 introductory e-book price.

The Eve Tree is distributed in Canada, the UK, and Australia as well, so check your country's Amazon page. Your search will go better at this point if you search for "Rachel Devenish Ford."

It should be available for Kindle in a matter of hours. I'll update when I find out. It will also be available as an ibook and a Kobo book shortly. And as a print book on the Barnes and Noble bookstore.

Also, very soon you will be able to order it from your local bookstore.


A side note: You may notice that on some sites it is listed as out of stock. Go ahead and order, the books will be in soon. We had a little last minute crisis when a Pre-release reviewer asked about a certain donkey in the story. When I checked in the pages, it turned out he was AWOL. With a few changes, he is back where he belongs. Whew! The distributor will have the book back in stock very soon.



I will be hanging out on Twitter and here in the comments at around 6:00 onwards PST, if anyone wants to chat about writing, the book, or anything else. 


All love,

I'm so happy!


*Update: It wouldn't be a launch without the baby bird bumping his face on the ground, right? (Just humor me.)

It MAY be that there is a small delay in getting the books restocked at Amazon, once the ones they have are gone. Should be fixed soon. Again, blame it on the donkey. However, there are some enterprising souls who are selling the book for more than I personally charged for it-- just to make you aware. The books should be back in stock soon.