Week in the Life :: Day Four

Day Four was Tuesday.

Breakfast. My very favorite: fruit and yogurt. I make the yogurt every other day.

Coffee and cream, of course. We get this great coffee from Karnataka, the next state.

A little morning reading.

Jaya was making dried prawns for lunch, so she had to prepare them by peeling off the hard outer shell. It was stinky!


Leafy dressed as Po from Kung Fu Panda.

In the kitchen.

Jaya in the kitchen.

YaYa decided to make a necklace for Tina.

I think one of the underappreciated cuisines of the world is South Indian food. I LOVE it. They cook with coconut perfectly, with a lot of sour tastes involved and bitter greens. This was a beautiful lunch.

Chinua went to lay down a mandolin track at a sound guy's house, and on the way, he was accosted by more holi celebrators.

They really got him good.

YaYa found an old hat of mine and we put it on her.

And I went shopping for bedsheets. They were on my list of things to buy before we leave India.

This young girl travels with her family and helps them with their business. It's a shady area in the child labor issue, I feel. They are from Gujarat and can make a better life by traveling to where tourists are and selling textiles, but because they are transient, she doesn't go to school. She does understand business and multiple languages, so you can argue that she's learning. Her job is not hard. But it's confusing for me. Is it right or wrong? Or something else?

Later, we took Tina to the banyan tree. Our last trip out there this year. On the way, Tina and Solo and I were also accosted by cheering, singing Holi celebrators. We became very pink. And orange. And green.

I climbed the tree and then I remembered that I am scared of heights. I knew there was a reason I had never climbed it before. I sat up there for a long, long time, waiting for my stomach to stop roaming around my body so I could climb down.

And the last photo for Day Four. An Indian shop at night. A simple shot, but it's something that's very, very familiar.