

I love how contradictions can be bundled so perfectly into humans. This little human is exquisite with contrasts and paradox.

He often resists things he has not come up with, and can be contrary with a will that could break down even the most certain of mothers. (I am not the most certain of mothers.) He has a healthy suspicion of foods or events that were not his idea. He’s not sure that he’s going to like this book, this activity.

But then, a switch is flipped and his enthusiasm is full and big and expansive and full of joy. Or from the start, he can be the biggest supporter of new ideas. It all depends on the day, the hour, the music he is listening to.

He has such an eye and ear for beauty. So much tenderness and empathy. He hates inequality. Every time the subject of slavery comes up, he has one line. He repeats it over and over.

“People belong to themselves.”

He comes to my studio every single morning to hug me when he wakes up.

He pours thanks on me, like, heaps it on.

Thank you for bringing us on this hike.

Thank you for reading to us.

Thank you for this amazing food. Thank you for letting me come shopping with you. Thank you for helping me.

It is easy to help him, effortless to love him.


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