Last day for Early Bird Registration and Pricing. Do you want to be part of our little writing community?

Dear Wild Seeds,

It's happening!

People have been signing up for their spaces in Writing From the Heart, and I'm starting to get the happy, anticipatory feelings that come when you know something is going to be good.

I love helping people find their creative voice. Love, love, love it!

Do you need some more encouragement about learning how to write your story?

Here are two scenarios that happen to me, regularly:

  1. I wake up and am immediately distracted by my phone.
    I scroll and absorb one million things: an angry opinion, a beautiful thought piece, a silly video, another opinion.
    I'm now slightly in pieces because parts of my attention are threaded through the world.
    I go downstairs, make my coffee, sit at my desk, and then get back on my phone.
    Every time I try to work, my attention gets snatched by something else.
    I haven't touched down inside my own thoughts, my own head, my own soul.
    Later, trying to teach kids or be present for my family, I am reactionary and distracted, and I have that bad feeling of not getting my work done, because I know a very important part of my work is my writing and my inner work. Things have begun, and then things cascade, all out of order.
    Life happens to me.

  2. I wake up and get out of bed, walking to my porch in the dark to stretch and sit.
    I pray, and once I am done with movement and prayer, I make coffee and start journaling.
    I go through all my different creativity exercises and remind myself of who I am.
    I write things from my life that I am puzzling over, I find ways to make things beautiful or funny, and I come and sit with myself first, before anything else, so I can work from the inside out.

This second scenario is the better one by far, by far.

I have wrestled for years with the voices in my head to find a way through in writing, a way to express, to create, to be, and I am so excited to show some of this to you!

This course is a ten-week course, starting on January 2, (in just one month!), with two hours a week of instruction, and two hours of writing together and sharing! You can do it at your own pace, or with others. This is not a fiction course. You will be learning how to dive deep to find your words and the practices you need to make them come to life every day.

This is a life-changing thing. At least, to me it has been. There will be limited spaces, to keep it safe and warm, an encouraging group.

Today (December 2) is the last day for the Early Bird Discount. Welcome!

Check out Writing From The Heart.

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