a series on being : part one


There is no one who can define or contain all of you. All your wildness, your beauty, the things you struggle through on your own. The thoughts of others can’t create you, can’t limit your being. All those seeds that God carefully nourishes, that lie secret within you, those are real, no less real when they are hidden. You may struggle to voice your deepest thoughts, your love, your creativity. You may not always be seen in the stream of glowing creatures around you. Even those who are closest may miss you at times.

God sees and loves and knows you, not just who you have been, but who you are becoming and all your potential. God gives you room to move and change and God finds delight in the unexpected.

Don’t dwell in the imagined limits of the thoughts or actions of others. You are allowed to move with love, in freedom and possibility, in the secret prayers of your heart, in inner beauty that no one can know.


All my books.

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