a series on being : part two


:: part 2 ::

So, there are the hidden things that no one can ever fully describe or define in you. The hidden nuance, your history, your life of true and untrue things, all the times you did something that seemed so normal but actually took real and overwhelming bravery.

And sometimes those things stay secret. But sometimes you find a way to tell us your story. You can tell your inner workings, the thoughts you have on God, the things you see, the things that have happened to you.

It could be with words, singing, cooking, a touch on the wrist, a song on the recorder, a dance, one talk with a friend. The only one who can tell it is you, and even what you say is never the totality of it all.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that God loves you and wants you here in your own human body, for your whole life, with all that you are, seen and unseen by the world. You are just so loved.

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