A good day.


*** My apologies, dear readers, if you have seen this already and are getting it in your inbox or feed. I did a few longer Instagram posts and am trying to get them all into my blog feed for safekeeping. ***

Sometimes I find surprise photos on my phone. Clumsy fingers, an accidental push of the button. I like this one. It says something that I feel but I can’t put into words.

I feel companionship with this mystery.

All around, there are facts, ideas, opinions, and debate. Thirst for wisdom. Need. It is powerful and I simply do not have answers.

I am allowing myself to not know. It has been a long journey to this place. Not controlling or knowing.

It was a good day, full of all the imperfections that really good days have.

I read Ephesians 3 with two lovely friends on zoom.

I went out and got to say hi to other friends who finally got back into this province so they could go home.

I picked some flowers.

Made dinner.

Listened to Leafy playing piano a little angrily after an argument with Solo.

It was a good day.