We ran.

*** My apologies, dear readers, if you have seen this already and are getting it in your inbox or feed. I did a few longer Instagram posts and am trying to get them all into my blog feed for safekeeping. ***


We ran. Leafy did it easily, sprinting ahead and then waiting in several stints. He runs nearly every day. Kenya did it easily too, but walked with me often. I walked and ran. I got the mileage slightly wrong.

It was beautiful and already very hot before 9 in the morning. •

Two arrests. Again, a poor victory.

Arrests for a murder with video evidence? Should be instinctive and immediate.

It is a step. The fight and awareness need to continue for conviction.

Racism caused those men to chase and attack a Black man out for a jog.

Systemic racism almost let them get away with it. Systemic racism pits people against each other who should be allies, people struggling within the larger system of economic inequality. •

When tensions are high and things are fraught, those most hurt by systemic racism are in more danger than usual.

Things are getting fraught. Let’s stand with the targeted and show solidarity. No scapegoats, no enemies, no criminalization, no dismissal. Freedom to grieve, to move, to exist, to thrive, to be. •

“Nobody is free until everybody is free.” Fannie Lou Hamer (Found the quote in an article by Brittini L. Palmer on Sojo.net)
